Warped Tour 2016

Warped Tour 2016 was, I believe, my second time photographing Ice Nine Kills. The boys in this band always put on a phenomenal show with so much crowd interaction, so these shows always feel more intimate than most. I have never been disappointed with one that I've attended, and I have seen INK way more times than I can count. Ice Nine Kills is one of the most energetic bands you will ever see, and have never failed to interact with their audience, as displayed by the last photo above. 

I had never seen Good Charlotte perform before Warped Tour. I'd always heard good things about them, but never cared to listen. I do now, on occasion. Not only did they open me up to new music, but I also got one of my favorite shots ever from their set, he second image above.

Crown The Empire has been one of my favorite bands on the planet since 2013. They were even the first band I EVER photographed, and it was bad. I had very little knowledge of photography at the time, so every single image used flash. Every. Single. Image. It was horrid. This is better, I think. I love the energy that they put into their shows, and I know they do because I've seen them about as much as I have seen INK. I'm so glad I got a second chance at photographing this band before David decided to leave. 

Cane Hill is yet another band that I had never seen or even listened to before Warped. I'm now a huge fan and I think I got some of my best images from their set as well. I actually got to shoot their entire set instead of only 3 songs, because security at the Full Sail stage didn't make the photographers get out of the photo pit. I only photographed an extra song or two though because I had another set to get to, but I was very pleased.

Overall, Warped Tour 2016 was a great experience, and I felt so honored to be able to mark it down as my first music festival gig. I hope to photograph it years into the future and continue to grow as an artist just like the bands who play Warped Tour get to do.

*This post was made at an earlier date, but has been relocated to this site*


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